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“Maeve Alberta”

Hey, those balance bikes really work! We've waited a long time for Maeve's bikes to arrive (supply chain issues with Covid). Maeve popped on her bike and learned how to pedal and ride really quickly! She loves riding her bike! She likes to ride her bike to preschool, which actually takes longer than walking when getting the bike out of the garage and locking it up are factored in. And then Conor locks up her wee bike with a big heavy chain. And I chuckle to myself when I pick Maeve up. Maeve is super confident on her bike and believes herself to be very capable of biking anywhere. It's the cutest! She'll tell anyone who will listen about her "shiny, red bike."

This was a really sweet scene to happen upon! Maeve then went on to read Ira more books! Sibling bonds are something special to witness.

Maeve gets to go to the absolute best outdoor preschool. She comes home singing songs and telling us all sorts of tall tales. One truth is that there are a lot of frogs who live in the pond. Another truth is that she saw a blue heron eat a frog. I love so much that she gets to have this experience!

I snapped this photo and thought it was such a beautiful representation of childhood. Can you find Maeve?

Every now and then, I can be a fun mom. Maeve, E and I had a dance party one weekend while Ira was sleeping and the older kids were at soccer. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed letting loose and moving my body!

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